BLOGGING: Writing Quality Content
Thousands of blogs are created daily. Many hopeful bloggers believe this new found medium will bring financial gain. Many, see blogging as a hobby or as a creative funnel to express their: talents and harness any future opportunities. All these rewards have their prices. The reward of an established blogger is down to their communication and marketing skills.
Quality content is important
In this article, I will reveal some of the most important lessons that bloggers must learn. I am referring to the importance of quality important. Blogging is about communities and providing excellent information for those communities.
People buy from people they: know; like and trust
Money can only be made if your blog has these two important components: traffic and high quality content. It’s crucial that a successful blog provides quality information frequently.
Would you buy today’s newspaper and be expected to read last week’s news? The same applies to blogging. Quality information sells. You may not be directly selling a product or a service, however, you’re selling an concept or idea.
You must develop quality content
There are many other resources online – If your niche is related to: blogging; Internet Marketing; Social Media or web design you’ll always have competition. Competition is healthy we can learn a lot from existing products.
It’s very difficult for a new company to develop an original idea. But it’s easier for a new company to improve on an existing product or service. Focus on developing the very best content for your audience. Research your information well and if possible write about your previous experiences. You’ll notice that experience is remarkably deeper than knowledge.
Returning visitors to your blog – A great blog has a solid reputation for returning visitors. It’s important to create the best information to win the hearts of your readers. You’ll notice that A-list bloggers have a huge fan following. Your goal as a blogger is to develop a strong reputation and build creditability.
For many bloggers their main focus is money. You can develop a platform to sell products and services to your readers. But first, you must create rapport and the ability to give outstanding content frequently.
In addition, quality content will lower your bounce rate. You understand the concept of me bouncing a ball against the wall, right? Well, if I am reader of your blog and I don’t click on anymore posts or articles I am literately bouncing off your blog. Quality content and grappling headlines will attain your readers. Grab a copy of your favorite magazine and look at how the headlines are displayed. What grabs your attention? What makes you take notice? Consider how can apply this content on your blog.
You’re only as good as your last job – Regardless of what trade you’re in, you’ll always be judged on your previous project or job. For many skilled self-employed tradesmen, your customers are the best source of advertising. A good blogger must continue to develop their writing skills and branch out to new audiences. If you’re last article was rushed or not prepared to its fullest extent it could damage your reputation.
Quality counts. The belief of creating articles everyday creates strain and tension. Forget about quantity. It’s important to develop quality. A good wine takes time to mature and so does the thought of a great article. Sometimes I think of an idea for an article over two or three days. The best articles are: well planned and well thought out.
After you’ve published a high quality article, you can have pride in the work you’ve done and say: “I’ve given it my very best”.
Your readers expect the best from you. Your readers deserve the best from you. If you can continuously provide outstanding content your readers will respect you and pay you for their services.
You’ll be established as a specialist in your field – You’re great content will provide you as a specialist by your readers. Becoming a recognized specialist in your field by audience is the highest achievement. Many people online claim to be: an expert; a guru; or even an extraordinaire! Realistically, claiming to be a guru in the ever changing field of online marketing is misleading and costly. New ideas are developed often and in the terms of new media not one person can be correct all the time. Terrible advice from a self-proclaimed expert can damage their reputation.
Have you considered why Darren Rowse of Problogger is so successful? Although, Problogger is one of most influence blogs online, Darren considers himself as a “blogger”. He’s doesn’t label himself as an expert. Darren’s content does the talking.
You’ll never know what opportunities are available – Blogging provides many opportunities. By trade I am a web designer and multimedia developer. I’ve been referred some web projects just from blogging. You can win clients and influence your readers to take action. This is a powerful tool.
Investing into a blog does require a lot of work. But over time, I’ve developed some nice relationships with people globally and continue to do so. Indirect selling is a powerful method of self-promotion. Blogging can be considered as “pull marketing”, where you grab the attention of audience. Consider great content as bait for you audience. Once you’ve grabbed your reader’s attention, you’ll continue to build the relationship.
It’s about promoting yourself
Writing quality information provides opportunities to market yourself. If you’re new to blogging the greatest method of self-promotion is writing on other blogs. Think of guest posting as a stand-up comedian doing a tour. The only way that a comedian gets noticed is by performing at different venues across the country to various audiences. Along the way, this new stand up comedian if he or she is any good may get noticed by a talent scout and this is where the opportunities are. Developing great content is an excellent method for return on investment.
Now it’s your turn
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